May 12, 2018

Formats and names of all large wine bottles

The use of the glass bottle to preserve wine is still an obligatory choice today. Because glass manages to maintain the organoleptic characteristics of wine over time, which is what all wine lovers want. Buy a good bottle, keep it for several years, and then open it and drink it on a special occasion with […]
May 6, 2018

Rossovermiglio and Paduli, an ancient winemaking tradition

Vineyard in Paduli .We are in Sannio beneventano in the municipality of Paduli, an area marked by an ancient winemaking tradition. The territory, although particularly suited, in the 80s has sacrificed the traditional cultivations of vines and olive trees in favor of industrial agricultural production, such as tobacco, certainly more profitable than oil and wine. […]
September 23, 2017

Our Aglianico on the podium of the Decanter Asia Wine Awards (DAWA)

Conquer the Platinum Medal Best in Show DECANTER 2017 – Best Italian red variatale – the Sannio Aglianico 2015 by ROSSOVERMIGLIO. The Sannio Aglianico DOC ’15 ROSSOVERMIGLIO climbs on the highest podium of the DECANTER ASIA WINE AWARD awards and it is the first time ever that the title is assigned to the wine of […]
September 10, 2017

Our wines reviewed on Luciano Pignataro’s blog

A few days ago, Enrico Malgi, collaborator of the Wine Blog by Luciano Pignataro, reviewed some of our wines. In particular he wrote well of our Aglianico, but also of our Fiano, and of the Greco. As a small and young wine producer of Sannio, the review of our wines that appeared on the famous […]
May 21, 2017

Two more awards for our wines

The number of international awards that reward the quality and success of Rossovermiglio wines is enhanced. Recognition that we would like to share with all of you willingly. The first international award regards the bronze medal received from our Sannio Greco DOC vintage 2015 during the last Decanter World Wine Awards 2017. Decanter World Wine […]
February 13, 2017

Work in the vineyard, pruning

After the show of autumn colors, the vineyard in winter does not give its best, the naked and shrunken shoots draw abstract graffiti in the air, while the plant, thanks to the winter cold, finally rests. January this year brought us the snow, a white blanket that, however bothersome, has the power to make the […]